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The plot to Space monster Wangmagwi

The story begins with a space cruiser stealthily gliding through space toward Earth.

Silver clad aliens from the planet Gamma have spotted us and decide to try to oust the human race completely for their conquest.
Oblivious to their EVIL plans for taking over the Earth are a young air force pilot (Capt Oh) and his young bride to be An Hee, happily planning their nuptials but unaware that their lives are about to be changed forever.

The aliens have the perfect weapon for their invasion: a creature called the Wangmagwi (space monster King devil) Hereafter referred to as the creature for brevity’s sake.
Cameras cut to the creature in shackles in a prison cell, human size but an unwilling participant in what is going on. It struggles to resist against the aliens as they outfit it with a radio control pack.

As typhoon Saero bears down on Seoul, the aliens launch the creature through the typhoon. This gets picked up on radar and attracts the attention of the Korean government which calls all soldiers and airmen back to their HQ. Upset and dismayed at this turn of events An Hee decides to go ahead with wedding preparations.

The creature appears and starts to lay waste to the surrounding hillside as terrified people evacuate in droves, except for An Hee and several slapstick characters, such as two men betting on who will break courage first, a man defecating on a newspaper, a man losing his pants getting on a truck etc. Such scenes appear throughout the film as comic relief.
The military keeps tabs on the monster but do not attack for fear of killing civilians. 
An Hee tries to flee with her mother only to be spotted and abducted by the creature, who howls with delight and curiosity at this newfound doll clad in white. She spends the movie either rolling around unconscious or sitting upright in his hand looking plainly annoyed and bored.

A homeless street kid named squirrel gets in on the action decrying adults as cowards and climbs up the monster. He gets all the way inside the ear and begins stabbing the beast in the ear canal and slashes an eardrum. Not satisfied with inflicting this torture, Squirrel undoes his pants and begins to wee inside of the creature’s head.
In response to this agonizing torment the monster begins to spray a vaporous substance from it’s forehead that melts and ignites anything it touches.
Squirrel slashes his other eardrum rendering the monster deaf and almost falls out of the nasal passage. He rides around in the monsters ear before spotting the radio control on the creature’s back. He makes his way down, and dismantling the antenna, breaks the control the aliens have over the creature.
The attempt to escape is foiled as Wangmagwi snatches Squirrel and carries him next to An Hee.
The creature moves from the city as it appears to be confused by the buildings surrounding it and in pain from the wounds inflicted by Squirrel. 
The army throws all kinds of missiles at the creature to no avail. In a final desperate attempt to stop the beast and save his bride, Capt Oh ejects from his plane and parachutes to the monster’s hand to save An Hee and Squirrel before the plane crashes into Wangmagwi, wounding it.
The aliens, soundly thwarted in their EVIL plan for world domination, decide to break off their attack and Wangmagwi gives one final roar before falling over and meeting its fiery end among the tall grasses and trees.

An Hee and Oh adopt Squirrel and the three of them stroll out to the local hamburger place or whatever.
The end

DISCLAIMER: Godzilla and other monsters are copyright of Toho Co. Ltd. Gamera and other monsters are copyright of Daiei. All other kaiju are copyright of their prospective owners. This web site has not been prepared, approved, or licensed by any entity that prepared the original Toho Godzilla films. It is a fan site for entertainment and informational purposes only and no money has been paid to me for any content. All credit is given to any original authors.


Constance "Conster" Fowler is a proud Navy veteran and mother to five children and two stepchildren and five grandchildren. She lives in southeastern Arizona and takes care of her cranky but lovable father, also a Navy veteran, and her new hubby Damian.

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