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Shin Godzilla 


As the Japanese coast guard investigates an abandoned yacht in Tokyo Bay, something in the water attacks their boat. Soon afterwards, theTokyo Bay Aqua-Line is mysteriously flooded and collapses. After seeing a viral video showing a massive entity moving in the area, Japan's Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary Rando Yaguchi is convinced that the incident was caused by a living creature. His theory is initially dismissed, but later confirmed when news reports show a massive tail coming out of the ocean. Later, a massive crawling creature makes landfall. Amid insufficient evacuation, the creature destroys everything in its path, causing major casualties, and shows the ability to evolve to adapt to its surroundings by standing on two legs before returning to the sea.

The top government officials focus on military strategy and civilian safety, while Yaguchi is put in charge of a task force to research the creature. Due to high radiation readings, the creature is theorized to be energized through nuclear fission. The US sends a special envoy, Kayoko Ann Patterson, who reveals that a disgraced zoology professor, Goro Maki, had been studying mutations due to radioactive contamination and theorized the appearance of the creature but the US covered it up. The yacht abandoned in Tokyo Bay had belonged to Maki and he had left his investigation there to be found before committing suicide.

The creature, now named Godzilla after Maki's research, reappears, now twice its original size, and makes landfall near Kamakura en route for Tokyo. The Japanese Self Defense Forces are mobilized, but their attacks have no effect on Godzilla and they suffer major casualties. The US offers their intervention in exchange for full access to study the creature, and the Japanese government reluctantly agrees. Bombers sent by the US attack Godzilla with bunker busters, but it is barely injured and responds with highly destructive atomic rays fired from its mouth and dorsal fins. The battle destroys a major part of Tokyo, along with both the US bombers and helicopters carrying most of the Japanese government officials. After depleting its energy, Godzilla enters a dormant state and becomes immobile.

Yaguchi's team discovery that Godzilla's fins and blood work as a cooling system allow them to theorize that through the use of a coagulating agent, they could trigger a reaction and cause Godzilla to freeze, and they work on a plan to execute. Furthermore, after analyzing tissue samples, they find that Godzilla is able to survive as long as air and water are available, as well as reproduce asexually. Once aware of this, the UN, headed by the US government, inform Japan that the use of thermonuclear weapons against Godzilla is inevitable. Unwilling to see nuclear weapons detonated in Japan again, and despite the risk of ruining her career, Patterson decides to use her political connections to buy Yaguchi's team as much time as possible to finish the plan.

Against international pressure and the lack of faith from the interim government, the team manages to procure enough coagulant and enacts their plan. They provoke Godzilla into using its atomic breath, make it lose balance in its weakened state so that its head comes at near-ground level, and apply the coagulant through its mouth. Though many people are killed in the process, the team's plan succeeds and Godzilla is frozen. In the aftermath, the international community agrees to call off the nuclear strike, but have the new Japanese government agree that, in the event of Godzilla's reawakening, a thermonuclear bomb will be launched at it.

This is less of a plot synopsis and more of a conjecture based in tidbits I've gleaned over the past few days. 

After the Fukushima incident, a life form resembling a tadpole comes ashore and begins to wreck the city. It has no arms, gaping eyes, and pushes itself on its hind legs. The Japanese government assembles a meeting (they do this a lot throughout the whole movie. For the sake of clarity and brevity I will only mention it here.) The American government let's them know it's a creature called Godzilla.

Godzilla continues to metamorphose throughout the film, having absorbed human DNA. It begins to stand, develops two tiny arms, and rampage throughout the city all the more. As the film progresses, it obtains a breath ray that steadily increases in strength. The more the military throws at it, the more enraged it becomes until it fires atomic Ray's from its mouth, its tail tip and it's spines! 

A decision is made to use cadmium on a train and this freezes Godzilla. The Americans promise to nuke Godzilla if it ever unfreezes. The camera pans to Godzilla's tail tip where human skeletons frozen in mortal agony, in a macabre twist they're sporting Godzilla spines.


Editor's note: In a complete departure from standard Godzilla fare (whatever that is) Toho has seen fit to not only redesign Godzilla but to completely rewrite his origin. Instead of atomic testing which few alive today remember, the monster arises from the toxic radioactive soup from the Fukushima plant spewing into the ocean, from the 2011 accident still fresh in the minds of the Japanese public. While Western fans have expressed their doubts, the movie is enjoying a surge of popularity in Japan, and is due to hit Western cinemas in late 2016. More will be added as time goes on.

DISCLAIMER: Godzilla and other monsters are copyright of Toho Co. Ltd. Gamera and other monsters are copyright of Daiei. All other kaiju are copyright of their prospective owners. This web site has not been prepared, approved, or licensed by any entity that prepared the original Toho Godzilla films. It is a fan site for entertainment and informational purposes only and no money has been paid to me for any content. All credit is given to any original authors.


Constance "Conster" Fowler is a proud Navy veteran and mother to five children and two stepchildren and five grandchildren. She lives in southeastern Arizona and takes care of her cranky but lovable father, also a Navy veteran, and her new hubby Damian.

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